Early Canadian Radio Station Lists

Canadian Radio Stations as of 1922

The following list is taken from the Winnipeg Evening Tribune, April 25, 1922. The article reports that “Licenses for the following radio-telephone broadcasting stations have been approved.” Divide 300,000 by the wavelength to convert to the corresponding frequency in kHz. Thanks to Thomas White for providing this information. Note: Earlier, there were typos in the call letters of two of the Winnipeg stations. These typos were corrected on Oct. 8, 2019.

Halifax, Nova Scotia
CFCE 440 Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company

Montreal, Quebec
CFCF 440 Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
CJBC 420 Dupuis Freres
CHYC 410 Northern Electric Company

Toronto, Ontario
CKCE 450 Independent Telegraph Company
CHCB 440 Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
CJSC 430 Evening Telegram
CHCZ 420 Globe
CJCD 410 T. Eaton Company
CFCA 400 Star

Winnipeg, Manitoba
CHCF 430 George M. Bell
CKZC 420 Salton Radio Engineering Company
CJCG 410 Free Press
CJNC 400 Tribune

Regina, Saskatchewan
CKCK 420 George M. Bell

Edmonton, Alberta
CJCA 450 Journal

Calgary, Alberta
CFAC 430 George M. Bell
CHCQ 400 Herald

Vancouver, British Columbia
CFCB 440 Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
CHCA 430 George M. Bell
CJCE 420 Vancouver Sun
CKCD 410 Daily Province
CFYC 400 Vancouver World

Canadian Radio Stations as of 1924

The following was taken from the Nov. 1, 1924, Radio Service Bulletin, a publication of the U. S. government. Wavelengths are in meters; there is a question mark in parentheses after the CHCO call in the original; CGAC is shown in two locations; no wavelengths are given for two stations in the original.


CFCA Toronto Ont Star Publishing & Printing Co.
CFCH Iroquois Falls Ont Abitibi Power & Paper Co.
CFCL Victoria BC Centennial Methodist Church
CFPC Fort Frances Ont International Radio Development Co.
CFQC Saskatoon Sask The Electric Shop
CFUC Montreal Que University of Montreal
CHAC Halifax NS Radio Engineers
CHCE Victoria BC Western Canada Radio Supply (Ltd.)
CHCQ Calgary Alta Western Radio Co.
CHXC Ottawa Ont J. R. Booth Jr.
CJCB Nelson BC J. G. Bennett
CJCI St. John NB Maritime Radio Corp.
CJCX Olds Alta Percival Wesley Shackleton
CJNC Winnipeg Man Tribune Newspaper Co.
CKCR St. John NB Jones Electric Co.


CFCJ Quebec Que La Cie de L'Evenement
CFCK Edmonton Alta Radio Supply Co.
CFCR Sudbury Ont Laurentide Air Service
CFCS Halifax NS Eastern Telephone & Telegraph Co.
CHBC Calgary Alta Albertan Publishing Co.
CHCD Quebec Que Canadian Wireless and Electric Co.
CHCO(?) London Ont London Radio Shoppe
CHVC Toronto Ont Metropolitan Motors
CHYC Montreal Que Northern Electric Co.
CJCD Toronto Ont T. Eaton Co.
CJCG Winnipeg Man Manitoba Free Press
CJCN Toronto Ont Simons Agnew & Co.
CKCD Vancouver BC Daily Province
CKOC Hamilton Ont Wentworth Radio Supply Co.
CKQC London Ont Radio Supply Co. (Ltd.)


CFCW London Ont Radio Shop
CJBC Montreal Que Depuis Freres
CJCE Vancouver BC Sprott Shaw Radio Co.
CJCF Kitchener Ont The News-Record (Ltd.)
CKCK Regina Sask Leader Publishing Co. and G. Melrose Bell
CKZC Winnipeg Man Salton Radio Engineering Co.


CFAC Calgary Alta Calgary Herald
CFDC Nanaimo BC Sparks Co.
CGAC Calgary Alta G. Melrose Bell
CGAC Vancouver BC G. Melrose Bell
CHCF Winnipeg Man G. Melrose Bell
CJGC London Ont London Free Press Ptg. Co.
CJSC Toronto Ont Evening Telegram
CKAC Montreal Que LaPresse Publishing Co.


CFCD Vancouver BC Marconi
CFCE Halifax NS Marconi
CFCF Montreal Que Marconi
CFCN Calgary Alta W. W. Grant Radio (Ltd.)
CHCB Toronto Ont Marconi
CHCL Vancouver BC Vancouver Merchants Exchange


CFCQ Bellevue Que Semmelhaack-Dickson (Ltd.)
CFRC Kingston Ont Queen's University
CJCA Edmonton Alta Edmonton Journal
CKCE Torono Ont Canadian Independent Telephone Co.
CKY Winnipeg Man Manitoba Telephone System

Wavelength not shown

CFTC Toronto Ont Bell Telephone Co.
CKCS Montreal Que Bell Telephone Co.

Canadian Radio Stations as of 1926


CFCK Edmonton Alta 100 Radio Supply Co.
CNRE Edmonton Alta 500 Canadian Natl. Rys
CJCA Edmonton Alta 500 Edmonton Journal Ltd.


CFCH Iroquois Falls Ont 250 Abitibi Power & Paper Co.


CKCO Ottawa Ont 100 Dr. G. M. Geldert
CFCN Calgary Alta 1800 W. W. Grant Ltd.
CHXC Ottawa Ont 250 J. R. Booth Jr.
CFAC Calgary Alta 500 The Calgary Herald
CNRO Ottawa Ont 500 Canadian Natl. Rys.
CNRC Calgary Alta 750 Canadian Natl. Rys.


CFDC Vancouver BC 10 West. Auto Elec. Co.
CKCD Vancouver BC 1000 Vanc. Daily Province
CNRM 50 Montreal Que 1000/1650 Canadian Natl. Rys.
CKAC Montreal Que 1200 LaPresse Publishing Co.
CFCF Montreal Que 1650 Canadian Marconi Co.
CFCQ Vancouver BC 5 Sprott Shaw Radio Co.
CKFC Vancouver BC 50 1st Congregational Ch.
CFYC Burnaby BC 500 Commercial Radio Ltd.
CJKC Burnaby BC 500 Pyramid Temple Society
CHYC Montreal Que 850 Northern Electric Co.


CKY Winnipeg Man 400 Manitoba Tel. System
CNRW Winnipeg Man 500 Canadian Natl. Rys.


CHSC Unity Sask 250 H. N. Stovin
CJCD Toronto Ont 50 The T. Eaton Co.
CHNC Toronto Ont 500 Toronto Rad. Resrch. Soc.
CKNC Toronto Ont 500 Can. Nat. Carbon Co.
CNRT Toronto Ont 500 Canadian Natl. Rys.
CJSC Toronto Ont 500 Evening Telegram
CJBC Toronto Ont 500 Jarvis St. Bap. Church
CHIC Toronto Ont 500 Northern Electric Co.
CFCA Toronto Ont 500 Star Publishing & Ptg. Co.
CKCL Toronto Ont 500 The Dominion Battery Co.


CHCS Hamilton Ont 10 The Hamilton Spectator
CKOC Hamilton Ont 50 Wentworth Rad. Sup. Co.
CFCU Hamilton Ont 500 Jack V. Elliot Ltd.


CJGC London Ont 1000 London Free Press Ptg. Co.
CJWC Saskatoon Sask 250 Wheaton Electric Co.
CHUC Saskatoon Sask 50 Intl. Bible Stu. Assn.
CNRS Saskatoon Sask 500 Canadian Natl. Rys.
CFQC Saskatoon Sask 500 The Electric Shop
CFCT Victoria BC 500 George W. Deaville
CKCW Burketon Jctn Ont 5000 Canadian Broadcasting Corp.


CFCY Charlottetown PEI 50 The Isl. Rad. Co.
CNRA Moncton NB 500 Canadian Natl. Rys.
CNRR Regina Sask 500 Canadian Natl. Rys.
CKCK Regina Sask 500 Leader Publishing Co.


CFXC N. Westminster BC 20 Westmin. Trst. Co.
CJYC Scarford Stat. Que 500 DeForest Rad. Corp.
CNRV Vancouver BC 500 Canadian Natl. Rys.


CFMC Kingston Ont 20 Monarch Battery Co.
CFRC Kingston Ont 500 Queen's University
CFKC Thorold Ont 75 D. J. Fendell

Canadian Radio Stations as of 1928

The following was taken from the August 31, 1928, Radio Service Bulletin, a publication of the U. S. government.


CHMA Edmonton Alta 250 Christian and Missionary Alliance
CHNC Toronto Ont 500 Toronto Radio Research Society uses CKNC
CJCA Edmonton Alta 500 The Edmonton Journal (Ltd.)
CJSC Toronto Ont 500 The Evening Telegram uses CKCL
CKCL Toronto Ont 500 The Dominion Battery Co. (Ltd.)
CKNC Toronto Ont 500 Canadian National Carbon Co. (Ltd.)
CKUA Edmonton Alta 500 University of Alberta
CNRE Edmonton Alta 500 Canadian National Railways uses CJCA


CFCH Iroquois Falls Ont 250 Abitibi Power & Paper Co. (Ltd.)


CFCT Victoria BC 500 Victoria Broadcasting Association
CJGX Yorkton Sask 500 The Winnipeg Grain Exchange
CNRA Moncton NB 500 Canadian National Railways


CFAC Calgary Alta 500 The Calgary Herald
CFCN Calgary Alta 1800 W. W. Grant (Ltd.)
CHCA Calgary Alta 250 The Albertan Publishing Co. (Ltd.) uses CJCJ
CJCJ Calgary Alta 250 Radio Service and Repair Shop
CKCO Ottawa Ont 100 Dr. G. M. Geldert (for Ottawa Radio Association)
CNRC Calgary Alta 500 Canadian National Railways uses CFAC
CNRO Ottawa Ont 500 Canadian National Railways


CFCF Montreal Que 1650 Canadian Marconi Co.
CHLS Vancouver BC 50 W. G. Hassell uses CKCD
CHYC Montreal Que 750 Northern Electric Co. (Ltd.)
CKAC Montreal Que 1200 LaPresse Publishing Co. (Ltd.)
CKCD Vancouver BC 50 Vancouver Daily Province
CKFC Vancouver BC 50 United Church of Canada
CKMO Vancouver BC 50 Sprott-Shaw Radio
CKWX Vancouver BC 100 A. Holstead and Wm. Hanlon
CNRM Montreal Que 1000/1650 Canadian National Railways uses CHYC, CKAC, or CFCF


CKY Winnipeg Man 500 Manitoba Telephone System
CNRW Winnipeg Man 500 Canadian National Railways uses CKY


CFCA Toronto Ont 500 Star Publishing & Printing Co.
CHCT Red Deer Alta 1000 G. F. Tull & Ardern (Ltd.), Alberta Pacific Grain Co. uses CKLC
CKLC Red Deer Alta 1000 Alberta Pacific Grain Co. (Ltd.)
CKOW Toronto Ont 500 Nestle's Food Co. of Canada uses CFCA
CNRT Toronto Ont 500 Canadian National Railways uses CFCA


CHCS Hamilton Ont 10 The Hamilton Spectator
CHML Mount Hamilton Ont 50 Maple Leaf Radio Co. (Ltd.)
CHRC Quebec Que 5 E. Fontaine
CKCI Quebec Que 22.5 Le Soleil (Ltd.)
CKCV Quebec Que 50 G. A. Vandry
CKOC Hamilton Ont 100 Wentworth Radio & Auto Supply Co. (Ltd.)
CNRQ Quebec Que 50 Canadian National Railways uses CKCV


CFBO St. John NB 50 C. A. Munro (Ltd.)


CFQC Saskatoon Sask 500 The Electric Shop (Ltd.)
CJGC London Ont 500 London Free Press Printing Co. (Ltd.)
CJHS Saskatoon Sask 250 Radio Service (Ltd.)
CNRS Saskatoon Sask 500 Canadian National Railways uses CFQC


CHNS Halifax NS 500 Halifax Herald (Ltd.) station under construction
CHNS Halifax NS 100 Northern Electric Co. (Ltd.) to be replaced by CHNS, Halifax Herald, when completed


CFCY Charlottetown PEI 100 The Island Radio Co.
CFRB Township of King Ont 1000 Standard Radio Manufacturing Corp. (Ltd.)
CHCK Charlottetown PEI 30 W. E. Burke
CHWC Regina Sask 15 R. H. Williams & Sons (Ltd.)
CJBC Toronto Ont 1000/5000 Jarvis Street Baptist Church uses one of the stations in Toronto city or district
CJBR Regina Sask 500 Saskatchewan Co-Operative Wheat Producers (Ltd.)
CKCK Regina Sask 500 Leader Publishing Co. (Ltd.)
CKGW Bowmanville Ont 5000 Gooderham & Worts
CNRR Regina Sask 500 Canadian National Railways uses CKCK


CFLC Prescott Ont 50 Radio Association of Prescott
CJRM Moose Jaw Sask 500 Jas. Richardson & Sons (Ltd.)
CJRW Fleming Sask 500 Jas. Richardson & Sons (Ltd.)
CKCR Brantford Ont 50 John Patterson
CKSH Hyacinthe Que 50 City of Hyacinthe, Quebec


CJOR Sea Island BC 50 G. C. Chandler
CNRV Vancouver BC 500 Canadian National Railways


CFJC Kamloops BC 15 N. S. Dalgleish & Sons and Weller & Weller
CFMC Kingston Ont 20 Monarch Battery Co.
CFRC Kingston Ont 500 Queen's University (Department of Electrical Engineering)
CHGS Summerside PEI 25 R. T. Holman (Ltd.)
CJOC Lethbridge Alta 50 J. E. Palmer
CKPR Midland Ont 50 E. O. Swan


CFCO Chatham Ont 25 Western Ontario Better Radio Club
CFNB Fredericton NB 50 James S. Neill & Sons (Ltd.)
CHWK Chilliwack BC 5 Chilliwack Broadcasting Co. (Ltd.)
CKMC Cobalt Ont 15 R. L. MacAdam
CKPC Preston Ont 25 Wallace Russ

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