The following is taken from the 1947 Broadcasting Yearbook. † indicates stations actually on the air.
†BECKLEY, WCFC—Beckley Newspapers Corp., 305 Reservoir Road telephone 5778. Personnel: Charles Hodl, pres.; E. J. Hodl, gen. mgr.; W. S. Jackson, prog. dire.; George W. Yazell, chief engr. Facilities: CP, Channel 266, ERP 3 kw.; S.T.A., 250 w. On air Aug. 15, 1946. †BECKLEY, WJLS-FM—Joe L. Smith Jr., WJLS Bldg., telephone 7311. Personnel: Joe L. Smith Jr., owner; Virginia N. Cooper, gen. & cml. mgr.; Jerome McDevitt, prog. dir.; A. J. Ginkel, chief engr.; John A. Dinter, asst. chief for FM. Facilities: CP, Channel 264, ERP 31.7 kw.; S.T.A., 2500 w. On air Nov. 15, 1946. BLUEFIELD—WHIS-FM—Daily Telegraph Printing Co., 623 Commerce St., telephone 7114. Personnel: H. I. Shott, pres.; J. Lindsey Alley, gen. mgr.; Mel Barnett, prog. dir.; P. T. Flanagan, chief engr. Facilities: CP, Channel 250, ERP 186 kw. CHARLESTON—Daily Gazette Co. Facilities: CG. HUNTINGTON, WPLH-FM—Huntington Bcstg. Corp., 1105 Fourth Ave., telephone 7097. Personnel: F. J. Evans, pres. & gen. mgr.; Claude Landry, coml. mgr.; Jay Caldwell, prog. dir.; William H. Hansher Jr., chief engr. Facilities: CP, Channel 258, ERP 38 kw. HUNTINGTON, WKYO—Mayflower Bcstg. Co., Inc., 1124 Third Ave., telephone 2-9400. Personnel: Nicholas J., Charles T., & Norman J. Tweel, owners; Nicholas J. Tweel, gen. mgr.; Norman J. Tweel, prog. dir. Facilities: CP, Channel 282, ERP 275 w. HUNTINGTON—Greater Huntington Radio Corp. (WHTN), 1112½ Fourth Ave., telephone 6185. Personnel: A. B. Hyman, pres.; Meyer Layman, gen. mgr.; Arnold Silvert, coml. mgr.; Harold F. Sturm, chief engr. Facilities: CG. LOGAN—Clarence H. Frey & Robert O. Greever (WLOG), telephone 761. Facilities: CG. MORGANTOWN, WAJR-FM—West Virginia Radio Corp., 446 Spruce, telephone 9488. Personnel: H. C. Greer, pres. Facilities: CP, Channel 282, ERP 275 w. WHEELING, WKWK-FM—Community Bcstg. Inc., 16th & Market S., telephone 5320. Personnel: Joe L. Smith Jr., pres.; John B. Reynolds, gen. & coml. mgr.; Albert H. Stewart, prog. dir.; Fred A. Baker, chief engr. Facilities: CP, Channel 265, ERP 14 kw. On air in early 1947. WHEELING—West Virginia Bcstg. Corp. (WWVA), Hawley Bldg., telephone 5383. Facilities: CG. |