History of Radio on Catalina Island and KFWO, Avalon
(May 16, 2007.) The recent Catalina Island fire conjured up a
wave of memories and emotions. One local radio station currently has a
transmitter on the Island, KBRT 740 AM. Once upon a time as a youngster
growing up in Southern California I remember the afternoon broadcasts
aboard the Great White Steamship with Carl Bailey on deck with the
whistle that could be heard for miles as the ship went back and forth
the 26 miles.
Apparently the recent fire was ignited at the KBRT transmitter site
during construction and maintenance, states Robert F. Gonsett, editor of
THE CGC COMMUNICATOR. The fire covered 4,200 acres and threatened
Avalon, the resort’s main town.
“According to a published report supplemented by information from the
island, a tower contractor hired by KBRT had been warned against using a
cutting torch because of dry brush fire danger. While the station’s
transmitter engineer, Bill Agresta, was inside the transmitter building
and temporarily away from the work site, the contractor used a
gasoline-powered circular saw to cut metal, and sparks from the blade
apparently ignited the brush,” according to Gonsett.
His report continues: “Bill reportedly said he saw a small blaze when
he went outside the transmitter building. Then he ran back inside to
call 911. By the time he went outside again, the fire had moved several
hundred feet downhill and engulfed the contractor’s tool truck—the
blackened hulk of which remained at the site as of Saturday. Commercial
power and telco lines feeding the ‘KBRT Ranch’ [as the transmitter site
is known] were destroyed in the fire. The station resumed operations
Sunday using its own power generator and CDs hand-carried to the island
for programming. Meanwhile, Bill Agresta is nursing some fractured ribs
suffered when one of the construction workers commandeered his tractor
and accidentally ran into him during the fire melee.”
LARadio.com resident historian Jim Hilliker has prepared the early
history of radio on Catalina.
By Jim Hilliker
With the national media attention recently coming from the wildfire
on Catalina Island, and the fact that it began at the site of the radio
transmission towers for KBRT-740AM, I thought it would be interesting
for some of the readers to learn a little bit about how radio evolved on
Catalina in the early 20th century.
Before there was any radio broadcasting in the United States, such as
we know it today, the first regular daily wireless radio station in the
USA to transmit and receive Morse code signals over the air was built on
Catalina Island in 1902. That was 105 years ago! The antenna and
transmitting shack were built on a hill above Sugar Loaf Rock. The
wireless station sent and received messages between Catalina and the
mainland of Los Angeles County. (Picture postcard from early 1900s of
the Catalina wireless station)
Some 18 years later, in 1920, this wireless code radio station was
taken over by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. Its new
purpose was to send and receive regular telephone calls between Avalon
and Long Beach. The telephone calls from Catalina were sent by radio to
the mainland and then amplified and sent over the wires of the entire
Bell Telephone System of the United States or vice versa. But, as radio
grew in popularity by 1921 and 1922, the growing number of ham radio
operators and broadcast radio listeners in Southern California and in
some cases, hundreds of miles away, accidentally tuned into these
telephone calls sent out by the Catalina radio transmitter! Many people
making the phone calls had no idea that their “private” conversations
were going out over a radio-telephone circuit and radio hobbyists
looking for something amusing or unusual to listen to would tune into
these phone calls from Catalina. The phone company tried to scramble the
radiophone frequency with limited success. But the fun of listening-in
to the Catalina phone-calls-by-radio soon came to an end! The phone
company decided in 1923 to shut down its radio-phone link between
Catalina and the mainland, and substituted two underwater phone cables
to San Pedro and Long Beach, which gave phone callers more privacy and
connected their calls much better to the rest of the Pacific Telephone
system in the L.A. area than the radio link had provided.
The first real radio broadcasting station on Catalina Island was
built by a pioneer ham radio operator (6BX) who worked as a U.S. Deputy
Fish and Game Warden. Lawrence Mott had been a rich playboy on the east
coast who graduated from Harvard University. He was also Major in the
U.S. Signal Corps who operated experimental station 6XAD in the Spring
of 1921 from his home at 352 Clarissa Avenue in Avalon. After
conducting several local broadcasts, Major Mott used 6XAD to broadcast
the Easter Sunrise Services with KHJ’s Uncle John Daggett at the
microphone in Avalon. The 6XAD signal was instantly picked up from the
island and rebroadcast over KHJ for three years in a row. He also got a
special amateur license for 6ZW in 1922.
Mott’s ham radio skills also brought him fame during the winter of
1923-24. His amateur radio station sent and received messages from
the MacMillan expedition at the North Pole. It was the only contact they
had with the outside world for nearly 3 weeks, thanks to the ham radio
skills of Lawrence Mott.
In July of 1925, Mott applied to the government to make 6XAD a
regular broadcasting station.
The July 8, 1925, Catalina Islander reported that the call letters would be KFLM. That call may have been
unavailable, and KFWO was assigned, probably sequentially, although it matched the slogan “Katalina For Wonderful Outings.”
KFWO would
be used not only to entertain radio fans, but to promote Catalina Island
as a tourist destination. The 250-watt KFWO operated at 1420-AM, 1370
and finally on 1000 kilocycles between 1925 and 1928.
KFWO ran one of the earliest radio contests for listeners in
September of 1925. Mr. Mott got listeners and DXers to not only send in
correct reception reports after hearing KFWO programs, but to the person
sending in the most accurate guess of the number of visitors to Catalina
that month, KFWO awarded an all-expenses paid trip to Catalina for 2
days. The next 3 accurate guesses were presented with one-day trips to
the island.
Photo postcard sent to listeners and DXers in 1928 by KFWO radio.
The photo shows the owner, Lawrence Mott sitting in a wicker chair
outside his home posing with a carbon microphone from his station. In
the left corner is a special KFWO stamp that shows a radio antenna in
the background, and a swimmer apparently in the middle of a dive into
the water.
The back of the card, partially blocked by the postmark, reads:
"Thank you for your courtesy. We are happy that you enjoy KFWO. Come
and see our lovely island."
The card is addressed to a DXer in New York State, and Mott wrote,
"Your report is ok. Best wishes, L. Mott."
Major Mott and the love of his life, Miss Francis Hewitt, teamed up
to broadcast 5 or 6 days a week to tell listeners about the beauty of
Catalina, its fishing, the flowers in their garden and they presented
programs of music and information. Miss Hewitt played piano and had her
own musical program on the station. A remote line brought in the
orchestra music from the Hotel St. Catherine, while visiting musical
artists and personalities supplemented the "one man and woman" KFWO
studio staff.
On January 15-16, 1927, Major Mott, with a shortwave portable set
aboard the "Avalon", had KFWO broadcast the "Wrigley Ocean Marathon."
(George Young, a 17-year-old from Toronto, Canada was the only person to
complete the 22-mile swim from Catalina to Pointe Vicente near San
Pedro. William Wrigley Jr. awarded him the $25,000 prize. His time was
15 hours 44 minutes and 30 seconds.)
KFWO’s broadcast of the swim was picked up and re-broadcast by KNX in
Hollywood. Major Mott told Radio Doings magazine that KFWO had been on
the air for the Catalina Channel Swim with only a few brief
intermissions, between 8:30 a.m. on the 15th until 7 a.m. on the 16th of
January, leaving the monitor board in the operating room of KFWO at his
home only 3 times. Edward Albright of KNX was at the microphone for
KFWO and KNX, with help from spotters and reporters from the L.A.
Evening Express, painting word-pictures of the swim. KFON-Long Beach
and KHJ also were on the air with reports from the channel swim, but the
KFWO/KNX broadcast of this event seemed to be the most complete.
In 1928, Mott sponsored an around-the-island outboard motorboat race
and broadcast its results. He believed that a winter sporting event on
Catalina to draw tourists during the "slow season" should be held every
year. But, a storm came up, which cancelled part of the race.
Broadcasts of the Chicago Cubs games by Western Union ticker were also
heard on KFWO in 1927-28.
The detailed story of how Mott and Hewitt settled on Catalina in 1918
and their around-the-world romance might make a good book or
mini-series. In March of 1928, after their respective spouses granted
them a divorce, Major Mott and Frances Hewitt were married. They closed
down KFWO in July of 1928 and turned in the station license, moved off
the island and bought a new home in Hollywoodland. Sadly, Mott’s health
declined and he died while on a fishing trip in Oregon in 1930 at the
age of 50.
Some oldtimers on Catalina can still recall the pioneer days of KFWO
radio. Avalon/Catalina would not have another radio station until KBIG
at 740-AM (now KBRT) went on the air in 1952.
My thanks to the staff of the Catalina Island Museum Society for
their help over the years, in sending me articles on the history of
radio on Catalina Island.
More History of Catalina’s KFWO
I wanted to add a few comments to the items I sent in a few weeks
ago on the history of 1920s Catalina Island radio station KFWO. Someone
caught the fact that the QSL card which owner Lawrence Mott sent out to
DXers had no street address for that town in New York state. I've seen
photocopies of other cards which Major Mott sent out to distant
listeners in Washington state, British Columbia, Canada and Oxnard, CA
which did have street addresses. Sometimes Mott would make a comment
about trying to get a requested song on the air or give advice on a
radio hobbyist’s antenna. Mott had two other photo QSL cards printed up,
that I know of. In 1925, he featured one that was called “The Spirit of
KFWO.” This featured a trick double-exposure picture of Lawrence Mott
inside the living room KFWO studio inside his home, showing a microphone
on a floor stand. Mott looked a bit like a ghost in the background. I
own one of these cards, which has a typewritten message which Mott
mailed to a ham radio friend in Hollywood. Mott commented, “BROADCAST
keeps me jumping and, there is more fun to it than the old code
A third QSL card featured a picture of William Wrigley Jr., owner of
Catalina Island, Wrigley Gum and the Chicago Cubs baseball team. The
photo showed Wrigley standing with Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, the
first Commissioner of Baseball, inside the KFWO studio, at the
Some of the lower-powered radio stations at that time liked to
exaggerate a bit about their signal coverage. For instance, in the
September 19, 1925 issue of Radio Doings magazine, KFWO reported that
the station “has been heard in every state and Canadian province since
June 1.” But, in the Catalina Islander newspaper of November 18, 1925,
an article on KFWO said, “In the last week, reports have come in from
Wisconsin and Indiana, making a total of 24 states whose residents hear
our Island Broadcasting Station and four Canadian Provinces. All report
excellent reception and the hustling Major [Mott] is delighted at the
large amount of people who get ‘The Silver Ore Station’ on 1 and 2 tubes
from great distances. This speaks efficiently for the ‘kick’ the Major
has put behind the comparatively-speaking low power of 250 watts.”
At that time, KFWO was sending out to DXers who wrote in with
reception reports, a small bag of silver ore taken from Catalina’s Black
Jack mine, as a souvenir. Some 300 requests came into KFWO after
mentioning this on the air, and several volunteers in Avalon helped the
station fulfill the requests. KFWO, besides using the Katalina For
Wonderful Outings slogan, was also known as The Mott Station and The
Island Station. The Catalina Islander at that time also offered a
one-year subscription each month to the writer of the best letter about
KFWO. The newspaper printed the winning letter for October from a
listener in Cusick, Washington who wrote in great detail why he liked
As Internet music stations wait to see what will happen regarding
paying music publishing royalty fees, it is interesting to see how this
played out in the early days of radio. In the 1920s, local radio
stations like KHJ and KFWO, and others nationwide were also battling
ASCAP over the “widely argued matter of the license fee required by
ASCAP for the broadcasting of music controlled by them.” In October of
1925, the Los Angeles attorney Philip Cohen, representing the American
Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers met with Lawrence Mott of
KFWO to look at the station and discuss their license fee to ASCAP.
After their meeting, KFWO was given a license to play ASCAP music over
their station for free. This was done because of Mr. Mott giving ASCAP
the facts of their case and showing that KFWO did not put on any paid
programs and was a non-profit radio station.
As I mentioned, Catalina Island’s KFWO disappeared from the airwaves
during 1928 after Major Mott got married. Apparently, the license was
still active, because on November 11, 1928 the FRC assigned KFWO to move
to 1500-AM and to share time with KWTC in Santa Ana. KFWO would've had
to lower power from 250 to 100 watts. Without selling the station, Mott
turned in the license and KFWO was deleted by the FRC on January 17,
Jim Hilliker
Monterey, CA
Jim Hilliker is a former radio broadcaster. He has researched and written about the early history of Los Angeles area radio for more than 20 years. Email: jimhilliker@sbcglobal.net.